Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Targeted (to Death) For Living

Sharing my ongoing #Heartbreak over the plight of the #Targeted #HomelessCats I was unable to #Rescue with my inefficient under funded #Ministry One day, soon, I'll attract a bi-female to this house to replace me here and I'll just die. She won't be targeted like me, so this ministry will then thrive and grow and rescue those who won't get rescued otherwise. I only stay alive, as it is, to care for the #Animals who rely on me. 



Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Astralscape Possessions Involuntary & Repeats

Some of the #Astralscape #Possessions #AstralscapePossessions I've experience, both #Involuntary and chosen #Repeats The 1st one I share in this video left me unable to function or even crawl out of bed for almost a week. I just laid there and cried. #TimeTravel #AstralProjection #AstralProject 



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