Friday, March 15, 2019

Why God Vandalized My Van (The Unicorn)

Although my old van was perfect for me, being a collector's item since they don't make them anymore; people are so dumbed down and stuck-up now that they don't know what they're looking at. So it gave the impression that I couldn't be provided for better and I had to set my sights higher. #SupernaturalPower #PullingRank #Unicorn #GodsBest 



Thursday, March 14, 2019

How Pastors, Parents & Role Models Failed Us - Karmic Reciprocity

#KarmicReciprocity is what #RoleModels #Pastors and #Parents failed to teach us about. Maybe they were just as #Ignorant as we were when we were #Children #SoundDoctrine #Karma 



Going To My Future As A Female On The Astralscape

My #BackupPlan involves #GRS #SRS #GenderReassignment since I was unable to fulfill the calling here. So, to focus on manifesting my #Future as a woman, I regularly travel to the future on the #Astralscape and join myself during sexual encounters to repay my donors and participants to my #Transformation It's a #Revenge thing now. I've even considered rolling with the old crew to let them net me some #RiggedFame as another jab. THAT would show some dumbasses a thing or two. 



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